
It's a Good Life, if you don't weaken...

So say The Hip, and it is true, but also false, as I realize better each time I wrestle with my anger, impatience and occasionally unforgiving nature. A fan wrote to Kurt Vonnegut and summarized the great man's entire omnibus as an argument for "a little less love and a little more common decency". Vonnegut agreed this ten word telegraph would probably have done just as well as his many books and essays. That's Rabo Karabekian sniffing irritably in dissent.

So here's to common decency, and here's to love as well. Somewhere out there, the sun is waiting to return to this parallel and bring the summer back with him. In the meantime, this photo will have to do (and it does).


Blogger Rabia said...

I feel so cheery after reading this.

6:05 PM  

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